Always Winter, But Never Christmas
I haven’t met a single person who is not affected by seasons changing, particularly the increased darkness of winter. This thought, combined with a recent reading of “The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe”, and the immediacy of Christmas, made something click.
Under the White Witch’s evil spell, Narnia is “always winter, but never Christmas”. Winter. Darkness. Dreary. A longing for more - more sun, longer days, a spark of joy.
I appreciate there are winter-lovers out there and many joys of the season itself too; pretty snow, sitting by the fire, festive lights. But C. S. Lewis characterises it as the sign that things are “not the way they are supposed to be”. There’s a whole lot of depth we could dive in to here, but I want to focus on one brief fact of the Western world; we have Christmas.
Now, there are those who opt out, and naturally society cannot be assumed to be one in celebrating any holiday, and the importance of cultural tradition plays a role here. But the shops close on the 25th December. We have Christmas light turn-ons and Christmas markets and post-Christmas sales and mulled wine and festive drink options and gift-wrapping options and the whole lot of it. We have Christmas - however that may look. From a Christian perspective, however, it has ultimate depth and truth; we believe that over 2000 years ago a baby was born who would save each and every one of us. Christ has been born; the birth of Christ is true - Christmas is the annual reminder of God stooping down into our mess, walking it with us, and providing the way to the Father. We have Christmas.
We do not live in Narnia where it is always winter but never Christmas.
Firstly, we celebrate Christmas every year. The thing insinuated to ease winter; the hope in the darkness. The birth of Christ means we are not left in the darkness, rather the ultimate Light came down to be in our darkness with us, and to bring us into His Light.
Secondly, it is not always winter. The 21st December is the shortest day in the U.K., and for me that is a reminder of time turning and seasons changing. Little by little after that day, sunlight creeps in for ever so slightly longer. Winter does not linger; the season do darkness does not win.
Friends, spring is coming. We are not the people without hope.
It's sometimes dark, but the Light is greater.
Take care
'The people walking in darkness have seen a great light, on those living in the land of deep darkness, a light has dawned.' Isaiah 9:2
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