Root Canals

I really hate the dentist. I mean, despise. It's not because it hurts or that it's awkward having someone poke in your mouth (although it is both of those things) it's more because I feel judged. I can't fully control the state of my teeth; yes, I can brush and floss and use mouth wash and be careful with Bad For Teeth foods, but life isn't really that simple. Is it?
The last time I went to the dentist I convinced myself beforehand that I would simply need an entire mouth transplant. Without question. I knew that was what would happen. And I knew wrongly.

All I needed was a filling. Average, right?

However, I feel as if any dentist to look at my teeth is internally commenting on the disaster they must be (if I think they are, it's true, yeah?). Anyone finding out that I needed said filling would be The End. No one would want to even see my name because how could I be so monstrous as to need a filling?!

The reality is that no one cared. I know people who have had root canals, which *note* is truly one of my worst nightmares, and quite blatantly, no one cared. Needing a root canal is just that. You go to the dentist. They canal the root, or something. And you live on. No one cares.

People will empathise and sympathise with your pain; it sucks to have a sore mouth. But in the grand scheme of things, people will forget and move on. It's not a big deal. You haven't robbed a bank or committed homicide or joined a terrorist organisation. You had your teeth fixed. That's okay.

I'm not writing this to try and have my hatred for the dentist disintegrated. I'll still hate going. I'll still worry irrationally. Despite that, I am trying to say that no. one. cares. Not in a "wow you are alone in the world and nobody cares whatsoever bye". Moreover in a "there are more important things people care about". I mean, you don't make friends because you heard that said New Friend has had immaculate teeth for the entirety of their existence. You probably don't care.

No one cares if you need a filling or a root canal or a mouth transplant. No one cares if you need glasses to help you see or a cast to heal a broken bone or medication to help you stay alive. No one cares if you need a blood test or insulin or to stop drinking so much coffee. No one cares if you've ever failed a test This is life.

What matters more is who you are. People care if you are rude or arrogant or hurtful. People care if you are racist or homophobic or sexist. People care if you are manipulative or cruel or harsh. People care about how you make them feel, and they care about how you feel. People care if you aren't yourself or aren't feeling great or need a bit of support. People care if you're worried or excited or optimistic. People care about you, not about the state of your teeth.

Remember what's important (like being a friend), and what's just a part of life (like root canals).

Take care



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