The Harsh Truth About the Harsh Truth

It's taken me up until now to realise that "scare" tactics don't work for me. Emphasising the harsh truth doesn't motivate me, or make me more productive. In fact, it's much the opposite. By throwing daunting facts at me, my anxiety increases, I panic, and as a result, I shut down. The harsh truth is motivating for a mere few.

I've noticed that a lot of teachers do it in schools, especially lately with UCAS - x percentage of people didn't meet their offer, y amount of people cried with z response. Here's the thing: I don't care. It's irrelevant to my own personal UCAS application, or my grades, or my year group as a whole. Every single individual is different, and so is every year group. Don't hold how another performed against me.

Really, by reminding me that there's a possibility I won't get into university, you're making me want to give up. What's the point if  I'm destined to fail? What's the point in trying to bring my grades up, if you've deemed it impossible to jump up grade boundaries? Why on earth would you think this would motivate me?

Motivation is found in hope. It's in being encouraged to chase your dreams, and through being reminded of your ultimate goal. It's the belief that you can do it, despite any odds. Motivation is success as a reward, rather than failure as a punishment. It's, "If they can do it then so can you!" as opposed to, "They couldn't do it, so there's no hope for you".

Motivation is empowerment to do your best, but reassurance that it's okay if things don't go to plan. 

If you want to kick someone up the ass (which is, of course, metaphorically speaking in a school environment) then speak to them individually. Otherwise, if you're releasing scare to the whole of your class, please remember to mention the other side of the coin. Some students need reassurance that what they're doing is enough. 

The harsh truth is that the harsh truth isn't always final. The harsh truth doesn't dictate where you're going. Keep your head down and work hard; you'll get there.

Take care.


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