Why I Write

A recent twitter trend got me thinking; why do I write? I suppose I've never really thought about it considering I've been writing from the moment I could hold a pencil. It should have a simple answer, and perhaps if I was still little and things were that bit simpler I could explain it in a few simple words - happiness, freedom, expression. Yes, those words do describe why I write. But not fully.

Writing gives me the power to create a world I want to be in. I can create parallel universes where up is down and down is up; I have total control. I can twist reality, giving any problem a solution and simplifying the world's complications, through words. Heck, I can build a planet where maths doesn't exist and what a great world that would be.

Writing is a form of magic. It's crazy to think that the world's biggest libraries have been built over twenty six letters. Hogwarts, Narnia, the Capitol. Magical places that, if you read fiction, exist in your mind. I'll admit, I do regularly compare my muggle school to how I imagine Hogwarts to be and there is no comparison. But the reality is that Hogwarts isn't real. It is entirely fictional, yet built purely through words. Isn't that beautiful? Writing gives writers a magic wand. A power that goes beyond paper.

I write because it's a way of metamorphosing. I write because I don't have to be me when I'm writing. I don't have to follow stereotypes or remain the person that I'm expected to be. I am limitless. I am free. Through writing, I dive into the deepest parts of my heart, mind, and soul, with no one telling me that I'm "wrong" or "not good enough" or "need to try harder". I write because I don't have to be myself.

The written world understands me greater than any person or verbal communication ever could. Words are patient. They don't pressure, push, persist. They are simple. Words wait until I am ready. Words are always there. Writing teaches me that I'm not alone, that everything is going to be okay.

I write because I want to teach. I want to teach others that it's okay to feel whatever they're feeling, be it overwhelming happiness, burning anger, or crushing sadness. I write because I've seen how powerful words are and I hope that one day my words are what helps someone hold on.

I write because words will last longer than I will.

I write because I'm a writer, and that's what writers do.

Use your words wisely.


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