
I was once described as 'a worst nightmare, yet still an answered prayer' which still makes me chuckle to this day. It sums up the mess and the chaos quite poetically and critically, even if I'm not sure I believe that about myself anymore. Previously here has stated my position as a 'nineteen year old disaster', or a 'questioning uni student', or a 'partially sighted Jesus follower'. They're all quite accurate in different ways.

This place started from my fifteen year old self trying to find some sort of meaning. I have always written. I wrote relentless stories and background profiles for the dolls I played with - usually detailing some absurd stories that would always end with them being rescued. I still carry that little girl who writes to be rescued within me. At one point, these stories were book-loan transfers; Mrs McK would lend me a book in exchange for a fictional story. I will be forever grateful for the minds and hearts that were willing to encourage that little self. 

Gradually it became this public platform, and it all went a little bit bonkers from there. Until I stopped. A concoction of stage fright, exhaustion, and trying to escape myself imploded into silence.

Then, more recently, God said, "Write." What I'm meant to write I'm not sure, but here we are. 

It goes without saying, at this point, that I believe in the ultimate Creator of the universe. I believe that He wants to know us, and I don't mean an arms waving, flapping 'us', but both you and me as unique and precious individuals. We aren't accidental by-products of His Creation, or of His choice to send Jesus to pay the price of the cross, or lost sheep the Holy Spirit has taken pity on although the Bible talks a lot about lost sheep. Rather, we are intentional constructions of the ultimate Father who weaves His divine grace, mercy and beauty within us. That's to say I think you are more significant than you care to recognise. 

I hope what you find here reflects that - that you are worthy and wanted. And I hope you find something written in coherent English too - I can only promise to try. 


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